Pothole Assist

Claims assistance for pothole-damaged tyres and mags/rims

What is Pothole Assist?

Pothole Assist is a RoadCover service where one of our dedicated consultants manages your claim with the relevant roads authority if you damage your vehicle (tyres, mags/rims) after hitting a pothole on South African roads.

Potholes are unfortunately a common reality in South Africa, where our roads are battered from heavy traffic and changing weather patterns. Headed by SANRAL, the government entity that maintains and develops South Africa’s national road network, the provincial roads authorities face resource and funding challenges that often delay repairs to potholes.

Damaged roads inevitably lead to damaged vehicles, and as a South African taxpayer you have the right to claim for pothole-related damage to your vehicle. Without another clear channel for this claims process, RoadCover developed Pothole Assist, built on the expertise we gained from our RAF Assist service.

How does Pothole Assist work?

Pothole Assist covers all the costs of lodging a claim with the relevant roads authority for pothole-related tyres and mags/rimsdamage. Our consultants recover the maximum possible compensation with no hidden deductions or contingency fees for our members.

You begin the process by contacting our claims team where you will be assigned to a RoadCover consultant who will completely manage the claims process for you.

The following is included as part of your claims management:

  • All-inclusive dedicated telephonic service for claim registration and assessment of your claim
  • Hassle-free effective service that gets results
  • No required additional fees

How to claim

If your vehicle has been damaged as a result of a pothole and you want to register a claim:

  • Contact us on potholeassist@roadcover.co.za or 0860 726 837 during office hours
  • Claims must be initiated within fifteen working days of the incident
  • Provide your ID or RoadCover membership number to verify your membership
  • If you have a valid claim, we will submit it on your behalf and manage the process for you

You will need to send us a completed claim form plus the following:*

  • An affidavit (a statement under oath) that summarises how the incident came about
  • A copy of the driver’s license of the person driving at the time of the incident
  • The vehicle’s registration documents
  • Copies of the driver and vehicle owner’s ID’s (green barcoded ID book or Smart ID card)
  • Photos of the pothole that damaged the vehicle
  • Photos of the damage on the rim, tyre or body of the vehicle
  • If the damages have not been repaired: please provide three quotations that you have procured for the repair or replacement of the damaged tyre or rim
  • If the damages have been repaired: please provide a final invoice and proof of payment
  • A letter from your insurance company confirming that you did not submit a claim to them for this incident. Alternatively, an affidavit that the vehicle was not insured at the time of the incident

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    112, 4th Street, Parkmore, Sandton, Gauteng