RAF (Road Accident Fund) Assist

No-fee RAF claims assistance

What is RAF Assist?

The service that started it all was RAF Assist, the RoadCover no-fee claims management system. It was developed to simplify the process of claiming from the Road Accident Fund (RAF), after our founder completed his own frustrating and disappointing claims process from a road accident where he was injured while cycling. The Road Accident Fund is a government entity with exclusively South African jurisdiction, that compensates for financial losses incurred as a result of a road accident where someone is injured, or killed and survived by their dependants. To qualify for compensation, the claimant is required to prove the gravity of their injuries and that there was third-party negligence. As our founder discovered, this process is costly, time-consuming, and results in only partial compensation due to legal contingency fees.

We have spent years walking alongside RoadCover clients who are seriously injured or grieving a loved one, so we understand what they need during that difficult time: our assistance in processing claims efficiently and at a greatly reduced turnaround time, and to receive 100% of the settlement at the end of the claim period  speaks volume to our service dedication and results. For RoadCover members, there is no cash layout other than a nominal monthly membership fee and we guarantee no hidden deductions or contingency fees.

How does RAF Assist work?

If you are a South African road user involved in a road accident due to third-party negligence, RoadCover will assist you with claiming if you or your spouse are personally injured, you are survived by a legal dependant, or you are the deceased member’s close relative responsible for funeral expenses.

You begin the process by contacting our claims team, who will assign you to one of our dedicated lawyers. Your lawyer then processes your claim with the RAF so you can be compensated for:

  • All past hospital and medical expenses
  • Future medical expenses
  • All past and future loss of earnings due to disability
  • All existing and future loss of support for the dependant of a deceased victim
  • General damages for pain, suffering, loss of amenities and quality of life
  • Funeral expenses

Your lawyer manages your claim from start to finish, making sure to keep you updated at all stages of the process. They take care of the necessary admin and reporting, working with our extensive network of expert consultants, including leading actuaries and medical practitioners who offer the same level of professional care that we do.

The following is included as part of your claims management:

  • 100% pay-out from the RAF at the end of the claim period
  • Free administration and claims management
  • Free legal representation
  • Free required medical and legal reports
  • Free required loss of support reports
  • Free required actuarial reports for loss of earnings

How to claim

If you have been injured in a road accident and want to register a claim with the Road Accident Fund:

  • Contact us on claims@roadcover.co.za or 0860 726 837
  • Provide your ID or RoadCover membership number to verify your membership
  • Our claims team will get in touch and guide you from there.

Become part of the RoadCover Family

    112, 4th Street, Parkmore, Sandton, Gauteng